Securing Higher Education Providers Against Cyber Threats

Join Intergence and Sophos for a vital discussion on bolstering cybersecurity in higher education institutions through Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services.

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Tue 30th July 11:00 am

Join Our Upcoming Webinar
Updating Your University's Security Is Now More Important Than Ever

With the increasing sophistication of cyber threats, higher education institutions need advanced protection to secure sensitive data and maintain operational continuity.

In partnership with Sophos, this webinar will focus on how Intergence' Managed Detection and Response services provide comprehensive security solutions tailored for the unique challenges faced by universities and private education settings.

What You Will Learn?
  • Current Threat Landscape: Understand the latest trends in cyber threats targeting higher education.

  • Proactive Security Measures: Learn how Sophos MDR can help detect, respond to, and neutralise threats effectively.

  • Integration with Intergence: Discover how integrating Sophos MDR with Intergence’s services enhances your institution's security posture.

  • Incident Response: Explore strategies for quick recovery and maintaining continuity after a cyber incident.

  • Live Q&A: Engage with our cybersecurity experts to get your questions answered.


Who Should Attend?:
This webinar is essential for CIOs, IT Managers, Security Teams, and Administrative Leaders in the higher and private education sector who are concerned with data security and institutional safety.




Dave Poulton

CTO - Intergence

Dave is passionate about using technology to positively impact businesses. With over 38 years of experience in the managed services industry, he has a proven track record of success in designing and implementing innovative solutions that solve problems and differentiate IT service operations.


David Mareels

Senior Director - Sophos

Dave Mareels is a Senior Director of Product Management, heading up the Managed Services portfolio within the SecOps business unit. He's responsible for all things Sophos MDR and Managed Risk. Prior to this he served as the CEO and co-founder of SOC.OS, which was acquired by Sophos in April 2022.