Misconceptions about IT infrastructure

it infrastructure

4 Myths about IT infrastructure

The IT infrastructure is the backbone of every business. Without a fully functioning infrastructure, you’ll struggle to keep your internal operations, and ultimately your business, going.

As the demand for optimised IT infrastructure rises, many vendors seize the opportunity to sell modern solutions, promising easy, scalable, fully available and flawless infrastructure. But not all of them are. So when they try to sell you the dream IT infrastructure, you might want to take some of their selling points with a pinch of salt, as not all of them are entirely true.

To help you distinguish fact from fiction, we’ve uncovered the top 4 myths about IT infrastructures.  .

#1 There is only one cloud environment  

The Cloud has become very popular over the last couple of years and is a trend that nearly every business has adopted to optimise their infrastructure. In comparison to on-premise servers, the Cloud’s infrastructure is quite different and offers many business benefitting features such as strong security, reduced costs, high speed, etc. But many businesses mistakenly believe that, when they migrate to the Cloud, all their data will be in one single environment. It’s quite common, however, to adopt a hybrid model, meaning that some applications and data will be stored across different environments, both locally and cloud based.  

#2 You can build your business’ own infrastructure  

It's not best practise to build your own infrastructure, especially if you’re a start-up. In the past businesses used to buy different servers, network systems and storage from different providers to build their infrastructure. Today, however, you’ll get modern IT infrastructures that are already fully built for your business such as the public cloud. And even if you wanted to still use on-premise servers, you wouldn’t have to piece them together on your own.  

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#3 Automating your IT infrastructure will save you money  

By automating their I/O processes, many businesses think they can immediately save money. They will probably save money further down the line, but not right away. While automation relocates tasks, it doesn’t necessarily eliminate the actual workload. What automation can do is improve your infrastructure, increasing efficiency and productivity. That’s why you might not see your costs dropping immediately, but may do in the long run

#4 AI is smart enough to run your entire infrastructure

Many vendors or suppliers will stress that AI allows your infrastructure to run autonomously. Although AI is smart enough to calculate outcomes and make predictions, its intelligence isn’t sufficient to run the entire IT infrastructure for you.    


Is your business looking to optimise its infrastructure? We at Intergence offer Cloud and infrastructure solutions that lay the groundwork for whatever your business’ future holds. With our revolutionary solution Stratiam, we’ll bring all your data, applications and processes together in one single environment to help you transform your business.  

Talk to one of our experts today to discover how Stratiam can help you reinvent your IT infrastructure. 


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